Recent Publications
- "The Man Who Shot Anarchy Gordon"
In Dreams, ed. Paul J. McAuley & Kim Newman, Victor Gollancz, Ltd.
- "Blue"
Somebody in Iowa Loves You, ed. Piers Letcher, Backyard Press
- "Done by the Forces of Nature"
The Horns of Elfland, ed. Ellen Kushner, Delia Sherman, and Donald G. Keller, ROC
- "My Acquaintance Anselm Dovetonsils, American Poet"
The New Blind Date
- Web Design Resources Directory, Lycos Press Books
A review claims, "You can happily read this book for amusement, but it's a highly practical tool. If you want to buy just one Web publishing book this year, this may be it." Another: "truly superb.... compulsive reading...." And another: "One of my favorite Web development resource tools.... grab it fast!"
- "Samuel R. Delany"
Salon Reader's Guide to Contemporary Authors, Penguin Books
- "1998 Tiptree Jury Comments" (with Candas Jane Dorsey, Sylvia Kelso, Kate Schaefer, and Lisa Tuttle)
- "Things Are Tough All Over"
- "Appearance of a World: Avant-Garde Poetics and Genre Fiction"
- "Five Stories by Martha Soukup"
- "Love or Confusion: A Review of Glimpses by Lewis Shiner"
- "Mannerist Narrative"
All in The New York Review of Science Fiction, Dragon Press
- "Delany's Dirt"
Ash of Stars, ed. James Sallis, University Press of Mississippi
- "The Sissy Gaze in American Cinema"
- "See L. A. Confidential Again -- The First Time"
Both in Bright Lights Film Journal
- "Three Anagrams of Jack Spicer's Biography"
- "White Lines: A Poetry Year in Review"
Both in The New Blind Date
- "The Second Confiscation"
- "On Djuna Barnes"
- "Things Happen" / "Re-Covering Childhood"
All in the Dark Carnival on-line magazine
- The Ichthyoid Syndrome (with Christina La Sala)
Video exhibited by the San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery, 1999
- "Portentous Quotation: An Explanatory Subtitle"
Lecture delivered at "Irrational Exuberance" series, 848 Community Space, 2002