The School of Bananafish

What do pop-rock classics S. F. Seals (FEATURING BARBARA MANNING!), slow dance maestre/i Vomit Launch, teen faves Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, edutational Caroliner Rainbow Ox Hoof Glutinous Mass in B-Sharp with a String Tie, and sophisticated glamorous artist Dame Darcy, despite their wildly varying styles, have in common (besides kinda dopey names)?

All have spent quality time with with Seymour Glass, frequent contributor to the infrequently published Chemical Imbalance and editor of the informally logorrheic zine Bananafish, whose first couple of issues have been conveniently bundled up in a book. Glass has also written a series of stories ("Kukla and Ollie", Gladys the Cross-Eyed Bear) about a sentimental pederast with the unlikely name of J. D. Salinger, and the effects on friends and family of his mysterious retreat into seclusion.

Erratum: Irritated reader Larry Crane sends the following correction:
What do SF Seals, TFUL282 and Vomit Launch have in common? They were all best friends who drank a lot of beer together. Seymour Glass? Shit.....
We apologize for our error.
Copyright 1995 Ray Davis