TFUL282 - A Sampler From Japan

Cross-cultural oddity of the month: the selected works of Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 according to Japan Overseas (JO95-4). I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around the idea of Caroliner Rainbow Parasol Massacre Picnic Crisps being a "famous" San Francisco band, but, as liner tribute writer "Eye" Yamamoto says, "Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 deserve the most attention as the most powerful of the lot."

The picks (by the band itself) are less poppy and bouncy than I'd probably make (no "Star Trek", for example), the biggest US radio hits are missing (no "Sister Hell", for example), and the sound is bizarrely weak on some of the more recent cuts ("The Operation", for example). Still a delightful listening experience, and it's nice to have the Wormed, by Leonard cuts on a CD. (Update: Wormed is now available on CD. Sorry, Japan Overseas!)


  1. The Streets Vibrated with Traffic and Power Tools
  2. Sports Car
  3. Waited Too Long
  4. Narlus Spectre
  5. Motorin' Flarey Henderson
  6. Scraping Skin Off My Shoulder
  7. Nothing Solid
  8. The Operation
  9. Trevor
  10. Push
  11. A Gentleman's Lament
  12. Undertaker
  13. Mark My Words
  14. It Wasn't Me
  15. Hornet's Heart
  16. Tell Me
  17. It's Seven
  18. Hive
  19. Cistern
  20. Heaven for Addled Imbeciles
  21. Burning Up
  22. Cup of Dreams
  23. Indigestion
  24. The Demise of Craig
I bought my copy at Amoeba Records in Berekley. For you stay-at-homes, the back of the CD says:
TEL: (06)771-8573 FAX: (06)771-8583

Copyright 1995 Ray Davis